IV Therapy


IV Therapy

Prioritise your well-being with our IV Mineral and Vitamin Therapy. Infused with a blend of essential nutrients including Vitamin B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Nicotinamide, Glucose (as monohydrate), Edetic acid, and Sodium hydroxide, our IV mineral drip is designed to rejuvenate from within.

Experience a surge in nutrient levels within your bloodstream, enhancing energy production and efficient delivery to every corner of your body.

This therapy is tailored for those recovering from post-viral infections, dealing with malnutrition, managing chronic inflammatory conditions, or seeking to address general health concerns.

Whether you're on a recovery journey or simply craving a natural energy boost, our IV mineral and vitamin therapy is your solution.

Hydration Drip

IV Basic Hydration Drip

Treatment 1 Hour


Our Hydration Drip will rehydrate and refresh you – ideal for those who are dehydrated and need an instant extra boost.

Hydration Drip : 1000 ml 

Contains Electrolytes Sodium 131 mmol, Potassium 5 mmol, Calcium 2 mmol, Bicarbonate 29 mmol, Chloride 111 mmol

IV Vitamin C

High Dose Vitamin C Drip

Treatment 1 Hour


Vitamin C 10gm IV in 500mls of NaCl

Administered in 1 hour under the supervision of our expert doctors. 

Vitamin C is important for a normal energy-yielding metabolism and helps to reduce tiredness, fatigue and muscle pain. It is also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. It's involved in many body functions, including formation of collagen, absorption of iron, the proper functioning of the immune system, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teethVitamin C is important for a normal energy-yielding metabolism and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue.

Fatigue or muscle pain can be relieved with Vitamin C.

IV Mineral & Vitamin Therapy

Multivitamin/ Minerals Drip

Treatment 1 Hour


Our Multivitamin drips contain Vitamin B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Nicotinamide, Glucose (as monohydrate), Edetic Acid and Sodium hydroxide. 

Improve immune health, boost energy levels, improve symptoms of depression, improve anxiety, improve mental clarity and cognitive function, reduce the symptoms of migraines, improve symptoms of asthma, improve allergies, combat fatigue, accelerate wound healing, maintain the strength of muscles and tissues…and much more.

IV Iron Infusion

Low Iron levels

Treatment 30 minutes


Cosmo Fer contains a combination of iron and dextran (a long chain of sugar molecules). The type of iron in Cosmo Fer is the same as that found naturally in the body called ‘ferritin’. This means that you can have Cosmo Fer by injection in high doses. 

Cosmo Fer is used for low levels of iron (sometimes called ‘iron deficiency’) if: * you cannot take iron by mouth, for example if you cannot tolerate it * you have taken iron by mouth and it has not worked * your doctor decides you need iron very quickly to build up your iron stores.

IV Protokol Infusion 1

Treatment 1 Hour 30 Mins


Our protokol infusion is designed to maintain mitochondrial functions. The included amino acids, vitamins and trace elements are meticulously coordinated and assigned to corresponding indications. The antioxidants within the solution play a crucial role in detoxifying the body and eliminating free radicals before they can penetrate other organs and cause damage.

Ingredients:• Acetylcysteine 300 mg• L-arginine HCl 200 mg• L-carnitine 1,000 mg• L-carnosine 200 mg• L-lysine HCl 1,000 mg• Glutathione (reduced) 600 mg• Taurine 1,500 mg• Biotin 5 mg• Calcium gluconate 45 mg• Calcium pantothenate 200 mg• Hydroxycobalamin 1 mg• Potassium chloride 15 mg• Magnesium chloride 40 mg• Sodium selenite 0.1 mg• Sodium ascorbate 300 mg• Nicotinamide 200 mg• Riboflavin phosphate sodium 14.78 mg• Pyridoxine HCl 200 mg• Zinc Sulfate 76.6 mg


• Building and strengthening mitochondriopathies

• Chronic exhaustion/burnout from long-term stress

• Chronic infections and susceptibility to infections

• Convalescence and regeneration

IV Vitamin B Complex Infusion

Treatment 1 Hour


Ingredients:• B1 10 mg• B2 5.5 mg• B3 40 mg• B5 6 mg• B6 4 mg• B7 (Biotin) 0.2 mg• B9 (Folic Acid) 0.2 mg• B12 (Methylcobalamin) 1 mg


Vitamin B complex shots can boost energy levels by supporting proper metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, converting them into usable energy.

• B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining neurotransmitter synthesis, promoting a balanced mood, reducing stress, and supporting optimal brain function.

• B vitamins are essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, promoting their growth, strength, and overall appearance.

• Certain B vitamins, such as B6, B9 (folate), and B12, help regulate homocysteine levels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues like heart disease and stroke.

• B vitamins are crucial for cognitive health, supporting memory, focus, and overall brain function.

• Vitamin B complex plus infusion can help regulate metabolism, aiding in weight management and promoting efficient nutrient utilization.

• B vitamins play a role in the absorption of other essential nutrients, maximizing their bioavailability for your body’s benefit. It encourages new cell growth and healthy blood cells.

• B vitamins help support a robust immune system, enhancing your body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.

• Adequate levels of B vitamins have been linked to improved mental health and a reduced risk of depression and anxiety symptoms.

• B vitamins are vital for maintaining a healthy nervous system, supporting nerve function, and protecting against neuropathy and other nervous system disorders.

Adek Vitamin Injection

Treatment 15 Mins


Therapy Focus: Disturbance of fat absorption, liver and biliary tract diseases, pancreatic diseases, leaky gut, Irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, vitamin substitution in case of deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, supporting physiological processes, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis

Composition:• Vitamin A: 100,000 IU• Vitamin D3: 10,000 IU• Vitamin E: 100 IU• Vitamin K: 10 mg• Miglyol 812 ad 1 ml

Therapy Cycle: 1x per month for maintenance


Vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucus membranes, and skin.

Vitamin A promotes good eyesight

Vitamin D helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus; both are critical for building bone. Also it reduces cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce

Vitamin E is a nutrient that's important to vision, reproduction, and the health of your blood, brain and skin.

Vitamin E also has antioxidant properties.Vitamin K is a group of vitamins that the body needs for blood clotting, helping wounds to heal.

There's also some evidence vitamin K may help keep bones healthy