Cardiac Screening


Cardiac Screening

Welcome to our comprehensive cardiac health screening services, designed to prioritise your well-being and provide thorough assessments tailored to your individual needs. Our cardiac screening options, including the BASIC, CLASSIC, and Gold plans, offer a range of assessments to evaluate your heart health, from basic measurements to advanced monitoring and testing. 

Additionally, our female and male health screening services aim to address specific health concerns, providing thorough examinations and consultations to promote overall health and wellness. We also provide STD/STI screening.

With our experienced team of doctors and state-of-the-art facilities, you can trust us to provide personalized care and guidance throughout your screening journey.

Basic Cardiac Screening

30 Mins, €250

Our comprehensive cardiac screening package encompasses essential assessments to gauge your heart health. This includes:

  • Measurement of Height and Weight
  • Calculation of BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Blood Test
  • Resting ECG (Electrocardiogram)
  • Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Consultation and Examination with our experienced doctor

Through these tests, we can detect any potential issues with your heart function and establish a baseline for future screenings. Prioritising your cardiac health, we provide thorough assessments and personalised care to ensure your well-being.

Classic Cardiac Screening

45 Mins, €370

As an enhancement to the BASIC plan, the Classic plan incorporates a 24-hour blood pressure monitor. This device enables you to assess your heart health throughout a full day by monitoring your heart's activity continuously.

Gold Cardiac Screening

1 hour, €550

Our Gold Cardiac Screening offers comprehensive assessment, encompassing everything included in the BASIC and CLASSIC plans, along with additional tests to provide a thorough evaluation of your heart health. This includes a blood test to measure your basic metabolic profile (BMP), cardiac enzyme, fasting glucose, and hemoglobin A1c levels, as well as a fasting cholesterol profile. Additionally, we conduct 24-hour to 7-day heart rate Holter monitoring.

Following the analysis of these screening options, recommendations such as prescriptions or referrals to a cardiologist may be provided based on the results.

24 Hour Holter Monitor

15 Minutes, €350

Holter monitoring, also known as ambulatory ECG monitoring, entails the continuous recording of your heart's electrical activity for a period typically spanning 24 to 48 hours, and occasionally longer. The primary objective of the Holter Monitor is to meticulously assess the heart’s electrical patterns over an extended duration. This comprehensive analysis aims to identify or exclude potential causes of unexplained chest pain, evaluate intermittent occurrences of rapid heartbeats or palpitations, and diagnose any significant underlying abnormalities in heart function.